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Contain it all

We can not , not have containers in our lives. We need them for leftovers, lunch and storage. But what containers should we be purchasing our food items in? Is plastic ok for pesto and then what do we do with the container afterwards? I choose to keep these containers for snacks for roadtrips and even for storing homemade pesto !

Rethinking how we see what we throw away is important if we are to make an impact on what gets sent to our landfills. Many plastics are recyclable and therefore reduce the materials needed to make more items- It is a circular system that leads to nothing being sent to the landfill. Many new options are being developed , from biodegradable takeaway containers to edible cutlery! Just imagine not having to empty your garbage bin! Imagine there was nothing that was throw away...

It is possible.. but start small so you don't drive yourself crazy. I started with a simple compost box for veg scraps and biodegradable packaging like egg carton boxes. It has heavily reduced how much goes into the bin.

Next up to going to be trying to avoid polystyrene , except where absolutely necessary. I am going to start calling out brands online for the packaging choices where they are using materials that are not recyclable... when there are so many options out there, why is it acceptable for this to happen? It is 2018, the world should be more developed than it is right now. So many people are living in terrible conditions because society still values 'stuff' over living a good life. We can each contribute to making that change a reality. Choose what you spend your money on, choose local instead of imported and choose less packaged as much as possible!

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